Injector Repairs in 2022
If your Marine Diesel Powered Vessel’s fuel system needs work, make an appointment with RPM for injector repairs in 2022. These complex repairs take dedicated work, and thus setting up an appointment for injector repairs in 2022 guarantees we get the job done for you in the right way, at the right time.
Since 1956 RPM diesel has been performing Professional repair services like Common Rail Injector repairs and maintenance on diesel equipment for both passenger and commercial class vehicles. Bosch, one of the most widely known and respected diesel injector system manufacturers in the world, requires extremely strict standards to certify a shop to be able to work on its injectors. At RPM, we went out of our way to ensure that the extremely strict level of training, tools, test equipment, and parts we use meets or exceeds the standards Bosch set for themselves and their products. Bringing in your diesel engine to RPM for common rail injector repairs is equal to, or better than bringing it directly to the manufacturer.
We take these types of repairs very seriously as you can see. For this reason, we have established a Bosch-certified ‘clean room’, which is always free of external contaminants, consistently sanitized to ensure a sanitary state, and utilizes HEPA air filters. We also use advanced software straight from Bosch, that can actively monitor the repair process all the way through, from disassembly to repair, to reassembly. . In order to ensure the measurements and comparisons are accurate, our measuring tools and equipment are subjected to a strict bi-weekly recalibration schedule in which these tools are ensured to be correct.
RPM diesel’s repair facility is equipped with a Bosch-certified model EPS 815. this Specialty test bench is able to accurately inspect and test any of the injector systems needed for repair. hat same test bench is also capable of testing CRIN I, II, II, IV injectors as well as CP3 and CP4 model Bosch fuel pumps. Like all our other equipment involved in this process, the test bench is set to specifications derived right from the same equipment used to assemble the injection components at Bosch’s factories.
RPM diesel performs maintenance and repairs on every aspect of your diesel engines and generators, not just the fuel injection. For more information about our services, or to learn how you can get on a regular maintenance schedule, call today at 1-800-660-6304
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